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History of the Organization

ResourceAbilities is a voluntary, non-profit, non-government organization that is governed by a sixteen-member Board of Directors, at least nine of whom must have a disability.

ResourceAbilities was formed in 1974 under the incorporated name of the PEI Council of the Disabled with an original mandate to speak out on issues such as housing, education, employment, transportation, human rights, and access to support services, all of which it continues to address today. In 2007, the name was changed by the members to the PEI Council of People with Disabilities. In 2018, extensive consultations were held with members, Board, and stakeholders, and the new name ResourceAbilities was approved.


Inclusion, equity, and opportunities for all Islanders.

Mission Statement

ResourceAbilities is dedicated to promoting the full participation and inclusion of people with disabilities in Island society.

ResourceAbilities has the following objectives:

to promote self-help for persons with disabilities;

to provide a voice of persons with disabilities on issues of concern;

to advocate for improvements in the lives of persons with disabilities;

to promote strategies and policies as determined by persons with disabilities;

to create public awareness of the issues faced by persons with disabilities;

to encourage a positive image of persons with disabilities.

We are a membership-driven organization with service delivery units that are client-centered, provincial in scope, and delivered through various ways to ensure inclusivity.